Transparency line
The GreenLand Business Group wants to be recognized as an Organization that generates value for its stakeholders, in a reliable and sustainable way; we are responsible for our legal, social and environmental commitments; This is why we invite clients, suppliers, employees, institutions and communities to use our transparency line 018000-11-11-00 in order to report there all the irregular situations that affect our relationships and commitments.
This line is free and is operated by an external company, expert in the subject, to guarantee the objectivity of analysis of the information reported there, which guarantees confidentiality and anonymity. It operate from Monday to Saturday, from 6:00 a.m. at 10:00 p.m.
In this line, actions that attempt against our correct performance and the good name of the Company can be reported, such as: appropriation and improper use of Company resources, abuse of authority, breach of corporate policies and the law, damage or impact on the community and the environment, fraudulent negotiations and corruption, among others.
If you want to report any of these situations in writing, click on the following link: