We are a carbon-neutral company
24 May
We are proud to announce that we have been certified as a carbon-neutral Group, thus
achieving a goal that we had set for this year 2022.
Being carbon-natural means that, after we quantify our carbon footprint, we will offset it so the
net environmental impact will be zero. These greenhouse gas emissions are the result of our
activities, which we measure, reduce and/or offset through various action plans.
One of the most important projects within these mitigation plans involves the implementation
of solar panels in several of the Group’s administrative facilities. This initiative is aimed at
migrating the energy used by our processes to a photovoltaic system which will help reduce
CO 2 emissions.
“This certification awarded by ICON TEC is a recognition our work team, who have adopted
sustainability as the best way to leave a positive footprint on the planet. This is a result of the
internalization of our objective of improving well-being and of living our environmental culture.
At GreenLand we will continue to create awareness a driver for change to help our
environment, our communities, and the country”, says our President, Víctor Manuel Henríquez